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Breathtaking Monochromatic Photos | Inspiration

Breathtaking Monochromatic Photos | Inspiration

Color is an important element in design. It brings any art form to life including hand drawn illustrations and photographs. However, if you want to ...
Launch | “Social LOL” – Time To Share a LOL

Launch | “Social LOL” – Time To Share a LOL

Ever so often there is a new site that springs up out of nowhere and captivates the readers simply because the content is exclusively appealing. It's ...
Everyday Objects That Tell A Story | Photo Inspiration

Everyday Objects That Tell A Story | Photo Inspiration

I got my new digital camera last Monday and it is such a thrill to finally own one. When I take pictures I usually just use my iPhone Camera.  I noti ...
11 Super Mario Goodies to Make a Geek Say Yum!

11 Super Mario Goodies to Make a Geek Say Yum!

Just as a refresher for those who play Wii and have not had the chance to enjoy Super Mario Bros - Super Mario Bros. is a platform video game develope ...
If You Don’t Have These, You’re No Designer!

If You Don’t Have These, You’re No Designer!

So you sit there, doing your work and frantically trying to finish your project before the deadline hits the flat line. You stay up long hours to pro ...
Amazing Bottle Cap Designs | Don’t Throw Away, Recycle!

Amazing Bottle Cap Designs | Don’t Throw Away, Recycle!

When I was younger, we use to collect bottle caps and play games with them. We used them as Chinese checker pieces. That was the only way we could c ...
Introducing | MacBook 3D – The Race For 3D Content Is On

Introducing | MacBook 3D – The Race For 3D Content Is On

You read it right. The new edge has finally come to Apple, and some interesting things are happening in the world of 3D. After the HUGE success of " ...
Can You Tell This Girl Is a Geek in Only 42 Seconds?

Can You Tell This Girl Is a Geek in Only 42 Seconds?

I’m about to give you the fast, funny, mindless break your brain needs right now. This teenage girl has some serious talent. Can you tell she is a g ...
Hand Inspirations | Awesome FreeHand Drawings!

Hand Inspirations | Awesome FreeHand Drawings!

Ask anyone who illustrates or does hand drawn sketches, the hardest part of the human body to draw is the hand, well at least for me it is one of the ...
NES Wall Pointer | The Hanger To Keep You Reminded

NES Wall Pointer | The Hanger To Keep You Reminded

Sometimes a day ends up being one big blur when you spend a lot of time on Twitter or any other Social Networking site. Your eyes get sore and you tr ...
Marshmallow Peep Art | Get Your Sugar Fix

Marshmallow Peep Art | Get Your Sugar Fix

It’s that time of year again. All the supermarkets in the States are stocked with pastel colored marshmallow bunnies and chicks. Most people call th ...
Beautiful Bottles | Packaging Inspiration

Beautiful Bottles | Packaging Inspiration

For me, package design is an important element when it comes to marketing products. With so many products on the market, one thing that helps a brand ...
Car Dust Artwork | You Will Never Wash Your Car Again

Car Dust Artwork | You Will Never Wash Your Car Again

I never thought I would say this but for this occasion I think I have to. I never want to wash my car again after seeing what I am about to show you. ...
Vintage Gas Stations | Inspiration

Vintage Gas Stations | Inspiration

Spring is one of my favorite times of year, and when trout season opens next month, my son and I will be spending a lot of time on the weekends fishin ...
Boost Your Inspiration! Sketch and Doodle

Boost Your Inspiration! Sketch and Doodle

Sketching is my favorite hobby. Doodling makes me relax and keeps me inspired. I always carry a sketch book, a pencil and an eraser with me. I dood ...
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