Search query: watch

DIY | iPhone Binder Clip Dock

DIY | iPhone Binder Clip Dock

Now with the market literally littered with iPhone accessories and companies trying to cash in on this growing phenomena maybe it's time to embrace th ...
You’ve Never Seen A Sand Castle Like This!

You’ve Never Seen A Sand Castle Like This!

Once again, I would like to present you with an incredibly talented artist, for your inspiration: When Sudarsan Patnaik was a young boy living in O ...
2010 Olympic Medals, recycled electronics

2010 Olympic Medals, recycled electronics

In just a few days the Olympic torch will be lit and the countdown to the games will begin. Vancouver has been preparing for this grand event for year ...
Google Wave in Plain English

Google Wave in Plain English

No one could have missed the pre-invitations to Google's new and highly anticipated email killer. Or at least that's how it's portrayed. I was happily ...
Is It Really Johnny Depp or Not?

Is It Really Johnny Depp or Not?

In the video below Kandee Johnson transforms into Johnny Depp, can you tell the difference? Since we are a creative crew, we often feature various ...
iPhone | Commodore 64 App – Blast from the 80′s

iPhone | Commodore 64 App – Blast from the 80′s

Just stumbled across one of the coolest apps to ever hit the iPhone. No I really mean it. I used to be a Commodore 64 madman. I had to get every singl ...

My Experience with Google Wave – A Review

Several weeks ago I wrote an article called, “Will Google Wave Replace Twitter?”. Today, I am writing a follow up article now that I have had firsthan ...
Photoshop | Tutorials The Douchebag Way

Photoshop | Tutorials The Douchebag Way

First there was the "Manual" research method to learning Photoshop. It was basically just to pound your head through Photoshop's Manual and just try a ...
Stopping Terrorists with Nintendo Wii

Stopping Terrorists with Nintendo Wii

Can I just say that when I first read about this on earlier this week, my weird sh** meter went into overdrive. Are they kidding? Apparent ...
Photoshop | Breast Enhancement

Photoshop | Breast Enhancement

I couldn't believe my eyes and ears when I came across this...let's say interesting Photoshop tutorial. In my quest to cover everything a retouch arti ...
iPhone’s Secret Warranty Ending Indicators

iPhone’s Secret Warranty Ending Indicators

As the iPhone is quite new and is still being one of the most feature packed cell phones on the market there are still features leaking out that I thi ...
Awesome Pepsi Soccer Commercials

Awesome Pepsi Soccer Commercials

I love commercials, to the point of taking up advertising arts  in college.   I love the process when creating them and also enjoy producing them when ...
Photoshop | Unknown Image Sharpen Technique

Photoshop | Unknown Image Sharpen Technique

There are times when you want to sharpen your images just a little bit in order to really bring out those details in for example the eyes, lips or hai ...
The Guy Who Hates Twitter and Everything Else..

The Guy Who Hates Twitter and Everything Else..

I'm not sure if you guys have seen this video about a guy who hates Twitter and seems like everything else. With the dawn of new technology and the v ...
Bend A Spoon With Your Mind – Matrix Style

Bend A Spoon With Your Mind – Matrix Style

I’ve probably watched the Movie “The Matrix” dozens of times. It never ever gets old. One of my favorite scenes is the now very famous spoon bending ...
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