Search query: web design

Wearable Charlie Card Ring Is A Dream Come True For Commuters

Wearable Charlie Card Ring Is A Dream Come True For Commuters

If you live in a city that has a subway or bus transportation system, you know how frustrating it can be to find your charlie card whenever you need i ...
Electric Car Folds To Half Its Size And Only Needs Tiny Parking Space

Electric Car Folds To Half Its Size And Only Needs Tiny Parking Space

People have longed for a solution when it comes to traffic jams and the sometimes impossible task of finding a parking spot. So far, no such solution ...
5 Customer Service Myths Worth Knowing About [Infographic]

5 Customer Service Myths Worth Knowing About [Infographic]

I have personally come across some really bad customer service in my life. I have also had really good experiences that are just beyond what you would ...
Keyboard Electrical Shock Therapy Can Cure Your Facebook Addiction

Keyboard Electrical Shock Therapy Can Cure Your Facebook Addiction

As they say, "desperate times call for desperate measures." If you believe that philosophy, you might like this extreme solution to solve your Faceboo ...
Life-Size Pop Out Assembly Kits Of Real-Life Everyday Objects

Life-Size Pop Out Assembly Kits Of Real-Life Everyday Objects

Sometimes life grabs you by the tail and sends you an awesome laugh. Today is one of those days that caught me by surprise. It's when the geekiest pro ...
Audi Plans & Envisions Self Printing & Assembling Concept Car

Audi Plans & Envisions Self Printing & Assembling Concept Car

It's not breaking news that the 3D printing revolution has begun. It won't be long now until we start seeing a wide range of online stores offering in ...
Post-Apocalyptic Fiber Optic Corset Dress Throbs To The Music

Post-Apocalyptic Fiber Optic Corset Dress Throbs To The Music

Post-apocalyptic designs are always my favorites. Their futuristic flavor and creative use of technology always stands out when compared to others. Th ...
L-INK Poster Becomes A Bright Shining Lamp When Folded

L-INK Poster Becomes A Bright Shining Lamp When Folded

Sometimes the best innovation is the innovation that brings several uses all packed into one device. That sentence might not make any sense to you rig ...
Paper Clock: Recyclable Alarm Clock With An Analog Twist

Paper Clock: Recyclable Alarm Clock With An Analog Twist

Sometimes the best innovations are the ones brought to life by the simple means in our lives. We have written about it quite often here on Bit Rebels. ...
Stack Printer Uses Its Own Weight As A Paper Feeder

Stack Printer Uses Its Own Weight As A Paper Feeder

When innovators step out of the ordinary and expected, wonderful things can happen. Sometimes I get so sick and tired of the same old gadgets and devi ...
Twittertape: Old-Timey Steampunk Twitter Machine That Prints Tweets

Twittertape: Old-Timey Steampunk Twitter Machine That Prints Tweets

There have been a lot of innovative builds and apps created over the years that decipher or print tweets. One of the most popular ones was that app th ...
Instant Translation Device Translates 180 Different Spoken Languages

Instant Translation Device Translates 180 Different Spoken Languages

The increase in people migrating all over the world has created a problem that most innovators have so far not been able to crack. It is the language ...
Cardboard Furniture Is Your Refoldable Lifestyle Gone Recyclable

Cardboard Furniture Is Your Refoldable Lifestyle Gone Recyclable

Sometimes we all stumble over ideas that are just too good to let go. When you get one, you will do anything you can to get it off the ground. For a f ...
16 Most Expensive Apps For iPhone [Infographic]

16 Most Expensive Apps For iPhone [Infographic]

We are all used to buying our apps for around $0.99 each, right? There are some apps that would give even the most seasoned app buyer a slight shock. ...
Future Camera Lenses Might Need Your Smartphone Body To Power Them

Future Camera Lenses Might Need Your Smartphone Body To Power Them

Most professional photographers are used to their powerful DSLR cameras. In the near future, that could all come to change drastically. The concept of ...
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