Search query: apple

Windows Watch | Not What You Think – It’s Cooler!

Windows Watch | Not What You Think – It’s Cooler!

Pretty much every day we hear about some new gadget that has the Windows Mobile operating system. Even a few products that you wouldn't think were us ...
How To: Scare The Crap Out Of Your Friends With Your iPhone

How To: Scare The Crap Out Of Your Friends With Your iPhone

I’m giggling right now because a few days ago, @mistygirlph wrote an article about how to embarrass your friends, and now I’m writing about how to sca ...
Quite Possibly The World’s Fastest iPhone Typist

Quite Possibly The World’s Fastest iPhone Typist

Are you a speed thumb typist? Have your thumbs ever ached from too much thumb typing? Mine have. I may be fast, but I’m nowhere close to as fast as Yo ...
MetaTrend Smartbook | iPad is Obsolete On So Many Levels!

MetaTrend Smartbook | iPad is Obsolete On So Many Levels!

It ain't often I get really hyped about a concept design and wish it would come true in the instant I see it. But this time I can't wait for this "thi ...
Skinput | Microsoft’s Answer to The Touchscreen

Skinput | Microsoft’s Answer to The Touchscreen

Everything should be touchable in Apple's opinion. With the huge success of the touch technology, it seems everything will be. It has long been unkn ...
Go! Discover and Share!

Go! Discover and Share!

There is a cool application that I have downloaded on my iPhone recently where it lets me discover places, check in to the place and also share to my ...
To Vlog or not To Vlog?!

To Vlog or not To Vlog?!

Everyone is entitled to the way he or she wants to express themselves.  Artists paints, sketch and design while writers blog.  Some people find it muc ...
The Olympic Book of Five Rings (I)

The Olympic Book of Five Rings (I)

Most eyes were glued to television sets last Friday night. The world's eyes descended upon Vancouver for the 2010 Winter Olympics that evening. The wa ...

Love Videos? Tools to Keep up!

Watching videos is one of the most favorite activities that people enjoy online.  It is a great source of information (tutorials, demos) and a great s ...
Cold Fingers + iPhone = Sausage Stylus!!! LOL!

Cold Fingers + iPhone = Sausage Stylus!!! LOL!

If you couldn't tell by the title of this post, this is hilariously awesome. (Hopefully you caught the Tom Green sausage reference in the image as wel ...
Celebrate ♥ Day on Twitter

Celebrate ♥ Day on Twitter

February 14th is hearts day and now people who have Twitter accounts can now celebrate or show their friends and family that they ♥ them. The applica ...
Now I Can Draw with My Mouse! | Hybrid Mouse

Now I Can Draw with My Mouse! | Hybrid Mouse

The mouse... it's probably the one thing a designer can't be without. Yeah, sure you have some substitutes, but the mouse is by far the most versatile ...
How To: Get Noticed By Pretty Girls!

How To: Get Noticed By Pretty Girls!

Some dudes may have the natural gift of attracting pretty ladies, for others it is a challenge.  You may ask yourself, "I am good looking, charming, a ...
How To: Make Your Own iSandwich 4G

How To: Make Your Own iSandwich 4G

Someone online described this as “some nerdy funny shit” and I have to say that this time, I completely agree. If Steve Jobs was coming to your house ...
iDrift | iPad Has a New Accessory, a Joke?!

iDrift | iPad Has a New Accessory, a Joke?!

The jokes have been many and they are unlikely to stop anytime soon. Apple, being one of the most successful companies in recent history, has to endur ...
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