Search query: iphone

30 Designs People Say The iPhone 4G Will Have

30 Designs People Say The iPhone 4G Will Have

It's no surprise to anyone that the iPhone will soon get an upgrade, whether it's only the OS or the whole thing remains to be seen. It is a given th ...
The iPhone – If Bill Gates Had Created It

The iPhone – If Bill Gates Had Created It

It's one of the most notorious battles ever fought. It's a battle that has spanned decades, and it is still not settled as it's hard to estimate what ...
How To: Scare The Crap Out Of Your Friends With Your iPhone

How To: Scare The Crap Out Of Your Friends With Your iPhone

I’m giggling right now because a few days ago, @mistygirlph wrote an article about how to embarrass your friends, and now I’m writing about how to sca ...
Welcome to the Largest iPhone Store in the World

Welcome to the Largest iPhone Store in the World

I really need to get out and see more of the world. I’ve done a lot of international traveling, but I’ve never visited China, Japan or even the Phili ...
Quite Possibly The World’s Fastest iPhone Typist

Quite Possibly The World’s Fastest iPhone Typist

Are you a speed thumb typist? Have your thumbs ever ached from too much thumb typing? Mine have. I may be fast, but I’m nowhere close to as fast as Yo ...
The $108,880 iPhone Case | The Ultimate In Bling Bling

The $108,880 iPhone Case | The Ultimate In Bling Bling

I don’t judge anyone for how they spend their money; to me, it’s a personal decision. Different things are important to different people; however, so ...
Cold Fingers + iPhone = Sausage Stylus!!! LOL!

Cold Fingers + iPhone = Sausage Stylus!!! LOL!

If you couldn't tell by the title of this post, this is hilariously awesome. (Hopefully you caught the Tom Green sausage reference in the image as wel ...
How To: Build Your Own iPhone App for Cheap

How To: Build Your Own iPhone App for Cheap

Have you ever thought about building your own iPhone app? Many people have thought about it, but not many have been able to follow through on that id ...
Is the iPad Just a Gigantic iPhone?!

Is the iPad Just a Gigantic iPhone?!

The iPad is the biggest news of last week. A lot of people have given their reviews. The majority say it is a disappointment, considering that the f ...
Custom make your own iPhone Casing | Geek or not?

Custom make your own iPhone Casing | Geek or not?

For a few years now people have been asking themselves and others if customization of the iPhone will ever be possible straight through the mother com ...
Lasonic iPhone Ghetto Blaster | Next Gen Boom Box!

Lasonic iPhone Ghetto Blaster | Next Gen Boom Box!

When I was young there was cool stuff and then there was "Cool" stuff. A stereo blaster was called, directly translated, "Mauntain Blower" and it mean ...
Turn Your iPhone Into A Recording Studio

Turn Your iPhone Into A Recording Studio

This is the most creative app I have seen in a while. This is how Voice Band for the iPhone works: You put your vocals into your phone through the m ...
Control a Video Game With Your iPhone?!

Control a Video Game With Your iPhone?!

I love Technology and the developers who strive to create exciting ways to make our experience fun and new all the time. Gone are the days when if you ...

Treat Your Acne With Your iPhone!

Can your iPhone actually cure your acne? Apparently the answer is yes. Soon, popping zits the old fashioned way might be an activity of the past. ...
What’s in Store for 4G iPhone Coming in July 2010?

What’s in Store for 4G iPhone Coming in July 2010?

With the Google phone out, and more smartphones are improving on their products, rumors now are circulating that the iPhone will be releasing it's 4G ...
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