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Eggs for Rich People: An Example of Brilliant Brand Marketing

Eggs for Rich People: An Example of Brilliant Brand Marketing

One thing that has always fascinated me from a marketing and branding perspective is how some savvy marketers are able to appeal to a certain demograp ...
An Online Tool For Easy Recipe Browsing!

An Online Tool For Easy Recipe Browsing!

We all love food! This is evidenced in all the food pictures that we see being shared on social networking sites like FaceBook and Twitter. And, why ...
iaPeel: Awesome Way To Customize Your iPhone 4 Skin!

iaPeel: Awesome Way To Customize Your iPhone 4 Skin!

When a new gadget is released, it's always a race for developers and inventors to come up with something to match it or to customize it. Even more so ...
How To: Tell If Someone Is A Vampire

How To: Tell If Someone Is A Vampire

I admit, I'm a little fascinated with the whole concept of vampires. There is just something so bizarrely scary, sexy and mystical about it all. Som ...
Forget The Segway! DTV Shredder Is WAY Cooler!

Forget The Segway! DTV Shredder Is WAY Cooler!

Although I have never tried out a Segway, I have always felt that it looked kind of unstable. After seeing the leads of clips on YouTube where people ...
Comic Lamp: Best Way To Light Up Your Evening Reading!

Comic Lamp: Best Way To Light Up Your Evening Reading!

There you are, getting right into bed to get some shuteye. It's dark outside, and it's even raining. You have just made yourself some hot chocolate ...
Bamboo: The New Hype Material For A Keyboard And Mouse!

Bamboo: The New Hype Material For A Keyboard And Mouse!

At first, I was a little skeptic when I saw this new keyboard and mouse made out of bamboo. However, it turned out to be the new cool and the latest ...
How Star Wars Costumes Would Have Looked Back In 1942!

How Star Wars Costumes Would Have Looked Back In 1942!

When I went to school, I sure had my share of geeky teachers. You could tell they were passionate about the subjects they taught by just listening to ...
Star Wars, Terminator And More Now Squidified!

Star Wars, Terminator And More Now Squidified!

I bet if we're keeping this up we'll have the wildest and strongest compilation of Star Wars awesomeness on the Internet. I think that if George Luca ...
Now All Of You Smart People, Try Solving This One!

Now All Of You Smart People, Try Solving This One!

So after a while, you manage to finish up the Rubik's Cube. You are fairly skilled in pretty much any programming language there is, and math is your ...
All The World’s Pill Bottles Make A Staggering Chandelier

All The World’s Pill Bottles Make A Staggering Chandelier

Alright, maybe that was an exaggeration to say the least. However, it took quite a lot to incorporate these prescription pill bottles into a chandeli ...
HTC HDD: First Cell Phone With Multiple OSes!

HTC HDD: First Cell Phone With Multiple OSes!

It's anyone's guess who will take the leading market share when it comes to iPhone, Android or any of the other up and comers in the cell phone indust ...
Chocomize: Make Your Own Creative Chocolate Bars!

Chocomize: Make Your Own Creative Chocolate Bars!

Today has been tasty, hasn't it? I started out the morning writing about a chocolate boat that you can really sail in! In the afternoon, I wrote abo ...
Halloween Fun: The “Predator” Pumpkin Carving

Halloween Fun: The “Predator” Pumpkin Carving

Last Halloween season I wrote an article about how to make an extreme pumpkin carving. I remember what I was thinking when I wrote that. My original ...
@Jason_Pollock & @VoteAgain2010 Are Giving Away $5,000!

@Jason_Pollock & @VoteAgain2010 Are Giving Away $5,000!

If there is one thing our friend @Jason_Pollock is famous for, besides cooking eggs with his girlfriend live online, it's motivating young people to v ...
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